Jai-jai Maharashtra in Rashtrageete contributed by Hemant Bhave.

Shriram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram contributed by Sachin Tatake.

  • Songs contributed by Udayan Kale:
Gandh Phulancha Gela Saangun Gagan Sadan Tejomay
Sur Maagu Tula Mee Kasa Dhuke Datalele Udas Udas
Jevha Tichin Maajhi Chorun Bhet Jhali Tejonidhi Loh Gol
Kata Rute Kunala Sarvatmaka Sarveshwara
Hachi Nem Aata Na Phire Maghari Re Kshanachyaa Sangateene
Sundar Te Dhyan Ubhe Vithevari Radhadhar Madhu Milind
Onkar Swaroopa Sadguru Samartha Nevu Nako Madhava Akroora
Ganjalya Othaas Maajhya Majhya Mana Laago Chhand
Kamodini Kaay Jaane Sunyaa Sunyaa Maifilit Maajhya
Aga Karunakara Chaand Maatala Maatala
Vedyaa Mana Talamalasi Ya Bhavanateel Geet Purane
Dheer Dhari Jagrut Giridhari Chal Uth Re Mukunda
Man Manas Umagat Nahi De Haata Ya Sharanagata
  • More songs contributed by Udayan Kale:
Saang Saang Bholanath Shodhisi Manava Ravooli Mandiri
Pirpir Pirpir Pavasachi Tujhe Roop Raani
Amhi Kolyaachi Pora Panyaat Pahati Kaa
Ha Rusava Sod Sakhe Tujhe Roop Chitti Raaho
Prabhu Tu Dayalu Sawadhan Hoi Vedyaa
  • More songs contributed by Udayan Kale:
Aji Mee Bramha Pahile Toch Chandrama Nabhat
Dole He Julmi Gade Tu Door Door Tethe
Hari Naam Mukhi Rangate Visaru Nako Srirama Malaa
Javu Devachiya Gava Neej Maajhya Nandlala
Keliche Sukale Baag Gele Te Din Gele
Kuni Baai Gunagunale Kon Yenaar Ga Pahune
Pran Visava Lahari Sajan Olakh Pahili Gaali Haste
Saadhi Bholi Meera Tu Visaruni Jaa
Sajana Punha Smarsheel Na Majhi Udaas Geete
Vishrabdha Manachya Katarveli Soor Kuthunse Aale
Ekaach Ekaach Veli Mee Pahile Kitida
Hee Ashi Koshaat Apulyaa Waat Chalato Re Saare
Preeti Wachun Marave Ashyaa Yaa Saanj Veli
Waat Naagmodi Majhya Maherala Jate
  • Songs contributed by Viren Patel:
Bhavanancha Tu Bhukela Re Murari Jo Avadato Sarvala
Dnyaniyancha raja Guru Maharaj Pahuni Raghunandan Savala
Ghat Doivar Ghat Kamarevar Rama Hrudai Ram Nahi
Haravale Te Gavasale Ka Saptapadi He Roj Chalate
Hrudai Jaaga Tu Anuraaga Vitthal To Ala Ala

If you want to contribute songs to this site, please take a look at the songs other people have requested earlier; these people would be thankful to you if you could contribute those songs.

Note: Since the sound output of some of these songs do not match with my other songs in the site, I could not blend these songs with other songs/categories. While recording, please adjust the volume level of the CD/cassette recorder such that when you play your recorded songs, they have about the same sound output level as other songs on my site (as a rough guide, keep the audio level in your encoder about half the scale).

Also, try to provide as much information available about the song in the encoded song.

If you have a nice song, please contribute it to this site so that others can also enjoy it. You may contribute a song either by:

  • sending me the song in a cassette, or
  • encoding the song in digital format yourself and mailing it to me.

A song can be easily encoded using a FREE Real Encoder 3.1 (for Windows 95) or Real Producer G2 (for Windows 98)  available at www.real.com. You may find more about encoding on tips and help page.

If you have any questions about this, write to me.